Orange Cake

Foto Orange Cake
Foto - Orange Cake


250 gr. flour (I prefer type 1)
90 gr. light brown sugar
1 sachet of natural yeast for desserts
1 biological orange
80 ml. Sunflower seed oil
150 ml. of fresh orange juice
1 pinch of salt
Dark chocolate drops
Icing sugar and edible flowers to decorate


A simple dessert with a unique fragrance, characterized by the scent of oranges and the combination with chocolate

Mix the flour, sugar and yeast.
Wash the orange and slice (without peeling) and blend in a blender.
Add to the flour mix along with the orange juice, oil, salt and chocolate drops.
Mix little (so the yeast is not deactivated) and pour into a cake mold (in silicone, otherwise use greaseproof paper or oil)
Place in the oven at 175° until baked.
Remove from the mold, allow to dry and then decorate.
